Rev. Marlin and Sally Vis, RCA Missionaries in Jerusalem.
20 years in Pastoral ministry, 5 years as Campus Minister @ GVSU, and now almost 6 years as a missionary.
Prior to leaving for Jerusalem, Sally worked as an Administrative Assistant at WTS in the area of Admissions.
What do we do now?
Primarily, we stand along side the Palestinian Christian Community to support them in their desire to stay in the land. We speak for them and with them as they seek to speak the truth to all sides in the ongoing Israeli/Palestinian conflict. Along with this, Sally and I work with the RCA and the CRC to educate our members on the biblical mandate to be workers of reconciliation in the world.
Primary Responsibilities: Educating and informing members of the RCA and the CRC of issues confronting Palestinian Christians in particular, but also emphasizing the plight of the poor on both sides. We lead Study Tours into the region for the purpose of introducing people to the Biblical sites, along with the stories connected with them, and also to help Christians from the US and Canada to better understand the contemporary scene.