Darrell Delaney

Darrell Delaney is a graduate of Western Theological Seminary, with a Master of Divinity degree and the Graduate Certificate of Urban Pastoral Ministry.  Darrell has over 12 years of youth ministry experience.  Darrell looks to a future where he continues his studies at Calvin Theological Seminary, for his Master of Theology degree in Pastoral Care, and then toward PhD work in Practical Theology.

Darrell embraces the dual call of preaching and teaching in various contexts.  He is very passionate about the word of God and discipleship, and looks down the road to a pastoral call and teaching theology in undergraduate institutions – which could be sequential or simultaneous, paths toward which Darrell seeks to be open to what God makes possible.

He has been married for eight years to his lovely wife Kia, and they have two shining “sons”, Christopher, 4, and Tristan, 2.   For fun he enjoys games with the kids, quiet walks on the beach of west Michigan, reading, and basketball. Little known fact: Darrell has studied Taekwondo and made it halfway to black belt. “Don’t mess with me” (lol).

One thought on “Darrell Delaney

  • April 30, 2024 at 11:12 am

    I have been following Pastor Delaney this month on Today Daily Devotional. I have enjoyed and shared his devotions with my three daughters. Does Pastor Delaney have a daily devotional I can still access every day? What a blessing he has been to us. God bless he is in my prayers Tommy Grimes, Hodges, AL


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